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About / Contact

In defiance of industry saturation, Minneapolis-based KPT (pronounced “KEPT”) has established himself as one of few definitive players in dark electronic music.

From his first single receiving Grammy recognition, to being lauded in review as “brilliant”, “fiercely intelligent” and “weirdly wonderful”, KPT is “forging an ethereal aural experience all his own”.

Focusing on the oft-overlooked live performance aspect of electronic music, KPT composes original arrangements for events, constructing his official releases using elements pulled directly from those performances. KPT is also one half of the internationally-acclaimed deathpop duo DEATHDANCE.

KPT has performed and collaborated with the likes of Die Antwoord, Justice, The Orb, En Esch (KMFDM), Blanck Mass, Alan Sparhawk of Low, Kirin J Callinan, My Life with The Thrill Kill Kult, Order of the Static Temple, Martin King of Test Dept, Mona Mur and many more.

His music has been released on GIVE/TAKE, Cleopatra Records, Communiqué Records, Blood of the Young, Alfa Matrix and more.